Audited Financial Statements:
2023 Audited Financial Statements
2022 Audited Financial Statements
Performance Reporting:
CFNWA Annual Performance Report - 2022-23
CFNWA Annual Performance Report - 2023-2024
Board Related:
Redress Process:
If the appeal is declined, the appellant may again appeal the decision in writing. The appeal should include reasons and new information supporting that appeal (redress.) For this appeal, a Redress or Appeals Committee consisting of not less than three (3) not more than seven (7) members representing two (2) or more Community Futures Corporations shall review the amended appeal application. This Adhoc Committee representative of Community Futures Corporations shall be the highest level of authority.
Accordingly, the decision will be considered final and binding on behalf of the Corporation that assessed, reviewed and declined the original and the initial appeal applications. If this joint Ad Hoc Appeals Committee, representing two or more CF Corporations, upholds the appeal and grants approval to the investment (loan) request as amended, the standard lending processes of the original CF Corporation will be undertaken and completed.
A $250 fee plus all expenses associated with the Ad Hoc Committee shall be the responsibility of the applicant.

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